EMAIL: SMCKAY1@VALDES.UVIC.CA NAME: Scott McKay TOPIC: Metamorphosis COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: FROG COUNTRY: Canada WEBPAGE: RENDERER USED: POV Ray TOOLS USED: CMPEG and a Generic MPEG Viewer CREATION TIME: 1 hour and 17 minutes to render HARDWARE USED: AMD 166 ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: An egg, turns into a tadpole. The tadpole turns into a Frog. The Frog lives in a marsh. The Frog is hungry. The End. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: NOTE: The art is simple. I did not spend time making the frog or the metamorphosis look realistic. I wanted the animation to be entertaining rather than educational. Therefore, for technical merit please examine the source files described bellow. Two files exist in the ZIP file: FROGVAL.POV and FROGOBJ.INC. The first contains a #switch statement is based on the clock variable; each case in the #switch statement depicts one action. The other file contains the objects rendered in the scene. The objects reference variables previously declared in FROGVAL. There are many benefits to doing this. Changes need only be made to one file. If I want to increase or decrease the total frames, I need only change the Final_Frame value in the command line settings. To view a certain frame or to create a subset of the animation, I need only change the command line settings as well. I was able to create a 3,000 frame animation that fit under 3 megs but found it too slow. I changed the Final_Frame Value from 3000 to 10d00 to create an more fluid animation (The 3,000 frames took 3hours and 40 minutes to render). ABOUT ME I'm a student of the University of Victoria, currently on a work term as a Software Test Engineer. I've dabbled in POV to create Stonehenge, a few stick men, and this frog. This is my first entry in the IRTC.