TITLE: Man's Best Friend NAME: Peter J. Dolan COUNTRY: US of A EMAIL: pdolan@jps.net WEBPAGE: http://www.jps.net/bdolan/ TOPIC: Creatures COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: 3D Studio Max 2.5 TOOLS USED: Character Studio 2, AVI2MPG CREATION TIME: a looooong time (estimates run about 3.5 days) HARDWARE USED: A computer, fingers VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: 320x240x16.7m; MS Active Movie works well ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: In Frankenstein, by Mary Shelly, the monster destroys the life of his creator after finding the heartlessness of humanity. The monster insists to his creator, Frankenstein, that if he creates for him a companion he will let him live in peace and never be seen again. A need for companionship is prevalent wherever we look, in our homes, in our workplace, in our deepest longings. This alien race, the Ramr ("RAHmer"), is not exempt from this universal trait. Here we see a young Ramr designing and creating for himself a companion -- similar to our dogs and cats. Note: I'm just a high school student, this is my first animation entry, go easy on me (scorewise, be brutal in your comments, please!) :) (my friends say that the "dog" looks like me, I guess I have an active subconscious :) DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: Pretty basic stuff, I doubt I'll get any technical score :) All of the geometry is either basic primitives, extruded lines, or renderable lines. The creatures are mesh-smoothed edited primitives (the "boy" was from a cylinder, the "dog" was from a sphere). I animated the "boy's" hop to the platform with Character Studio; everything else was done with bends and twists.