===== From vansickl@erols.com: This animation was hurt by a couple of things. First, the video quality was hurt by the use of AVI-to-MPEG conversion. This *always* results in a quality hit, often without any gain in compression. The benefits of using sound aren't worth the quality hit. Second, it is often very difficult to follow the action at times. You've got some awesome models, but there's no way of knowing that from the way you've used them here. Third, you were really stretching the topic here; nothing decayed. vansickl@erols.com ===== From Alain.Culos@bigfoot.com: It's a wholesome animation and the sounds fit very well. I'm usually not a fan of space battles, but this one was fun to look at. Only disappointment were the blue explosions at the start and the shots later. Explosions were great though. I'm not sure though how original the concept is. ===== From cdsi26@bupers.navy.mil: Very well done. Looks like a trailer for a game. Ships texture is excellent and your use of camera angles speaks well for your ability to direct. Now the low mark: Had trouble connecting the whole thing to the Topic. If I'm missing the point I am truly sorry. ===== From matthew2913@hotmail.com: To dark. Great explosions.