===== From agage@csee.usf.edu: Interesting use of POVray, but it moves a bit slowly...not really enough there to merit running over two minutes. I like the morphing, but it might be neat to see it rotate as it traverses the coordinate plane, for instance. ===== From dlauer@optonline.net: Maybe if I had a 5 five dimensional monitor, this would be more interesting to look at. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Nice tranformation.... but got a bit tiring after the third iteration. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Doesn't tell a story. Too grainy. Too long for lack of content. ===== From ldnbruce@flash.net: Poor Resolution, tiresome animation ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Plotless but visually impressive. I will be studying the source code at length! I would have liked it better if the scene would have lingered a bit longer at each corner, after the object had fully become "itself". ===== From mark.wagner17@gte.net: The morphing technique is ingenous. However, the robot is not central to this animation -- in fact, this could have been done with any four shapes. ===== From file: Real good object morphing. But where is the fun? Just moving the object around for qutie a while is boring.