===== From agage@csee.usf.edu: Although on topic, the fact that the actors were robots doesn't really make it an animation about robots...sort of. But anyway. The re-use of previous models is obvious, but at least you are finding new challenges with these animations. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Fun idea, nicely executed. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Delightful story. Motion and emotion of robots is remarkable. Mediocre artistic score. Your entry does raise the question of how "originality" is judged. The fifth(?) use of these 'bots should be counted as un-original as use of Poser figures, but your theme and story are so great. ===== From Michael@nmtrix.com: Please, don't piss on other peoples entries. It spoils the game ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: One of the funniest ever. Extremely clever idea, BECAUSE Rosie entered. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Cute story, cute characters. Nice tie-in with "Rosie's" entry. One day, you *must* make a full-length "Rusty" feature! Wish we had the resources in the IRTC to handle such a long piece. ===== From file: The blinking signs are a good idea for communicating robots. Will rustys abilities extend in the future? I'm sure we will see him again many times. Notable for originality