EMAIL: NAME: Lou Bruce TOPIC: Robots COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: RePSYCHOed COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: none at present RENDERER USED: Blender 1.72 TOOLS USED: Blender 1.72, Solidworks 99 and Amorphium for Modeling, Microsoft Image Composer for textures and intro screen, Blender 1.72 for Rendering, Demo version of Quack for sound effects creation, Audiorack32 for soundt editing, Demo version of DDClip for final composition and soundtrack production and finally AVI2MPG1 for conversion from raw AVI to MPG. CREATION TIME: 2 Months Final Rendering: 3.5 to 4 Hours HARDWARE USED: 233 MHz Pentium MMX VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: Window Media Player ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: This animation shows a robot working in a recycling shop. He's sorting the good parts from the trash. He encounters a couple of unsettling objects (a human skull and then a mouse) as he works. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: I modeled the robot, pipe, mouse, walls and floor in Blender. I imported the drums, bearing, and sprocket as VRMLs after I exported them from SolidWorks99. I had already modeled the SolidWorks objects as part of my regular job (Mechanical Designer). The skull and the animated text were modeled in Amorphium and exported as VRMLs then imported into Blender. The project was split into four parts the intro screen, upto the skull, upto the mouse exit and the title. The animation was basically keyframed at approximately every 12-13 frames. The motion curves were hand tweaked after the first render to correct some strange motions. Then each part was rendered out as raw AVI with oversampling at 16 frames for antialiasing. Then the four parts had sountracks added. Finally all the parts with soundtracks were composited into the final movie. I used Blenders Hamx animation files for quick rendering and preview work while I was tweaking the animation (it's extremely fast to render). The Archive file contains the Blender file RePSYCHO455-595.blend which is the scene for frames 455 to 595 and the textures for the walls and floor. For those of you interested in opening the Blender file, Blender is available as a freeware download at