===== From dlauer@optonline.net: Very good. Funny. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: I like the idea. The robo soccer players moved quite well. The one problem I noticed was that the ball went right through their legs on several occasions without any impact. My only suggestion for this animation would be work just a bit more having the ball look like it was impacting their legs. Otherwise well done. ===== From gregj56590@aol.com: Pretty nice. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Very good sequence. The movement (especially the turns) was jerky and unreal, except in some spots where it looked very nice. The choreography of the players was excellent. ===== From mark.wagner17@gte.net: It looks like the ball is following a scripted path, and the robots are trying to make it look like they are actually controlling the ball. Robot walking motions are not synchronized with movement over the ground. Camera shifts are too abrupt -- try putting an intermediate frame that is a composite of the two camera views in between the two views. Robots occasionally pass through the ball or each other. ===== From file: good job except for the strange texturing and behaviour of the ball.