TITLE: The Early Fly gets the Frog Sandwich NAME: H.E. Day COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: PovRayGuy@aol.com WEBPAGE:http://heday.freeservers.com TOPIC: Alien Invasion COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. MPGFILE: earlyfly.mpg JPGFILE: earlyfly.jpg ZIPFILE: earlyfly.zip TEXTFILE: You're looking at it. RENDERER USED: MegaPov+ 0.32 TOOLS USED: Adobe Photoshop 4.01, Spatch, DDClip, Windows Sound Recorder, Fast Movie Processor, CoolEdit (for removing static from recordings), AVI2MPG RENDER TIME: about 4 days HARDWARE USED: Pentium 200Mhz MMX 32MB RAM ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: This is an animation about Neville Hogwire, his frog sandwich, and a bunch of flies. Watch it. You'll laugh, gag, and wonder. Well, I did anyway. SLIGHT STORY NOTE: The "early fly" lands, runs around a bit, and takes off before the other flies land on the sandwich. He then lands after the cake has been turned back into a frog sandwich. There, that'll help you see *how* the early fly got the frog sandwich. And in case you didn't get it, the "Alien Invasion" is the 200+ flies landing on the frog sandwich. There's an image. :) COOL THING IN THIS ANIMATION: Hogwire breathes. Watch, you'll see it. Cool huh? HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: The wizard is a bunch of blobs animated by splines, (in fact, that's pretty much how everything was animated...) The sandwich is a bunch of blobs and prisms, while the plate and cup were made in Spatch. The office is a bunce of superellipsoid isosurfaces, with variable textures. The desk is a height field. The papers are generated by a macro I made. The flys are simple unions of a sphere and two transparent discs that are randomly rotated. Here's an example of the texture used on the birthday cake (and all cartoonish objects). texture { pigment { slope <1/2,-1/8,-1> color_map { [.25 rgb <1,.75,.875>] [.3 rgb <1,.625,.75>] [.5 rgb <1,.625,.75>] [.55 rgb <1,.5,.625>] [.75 rgb <1,.5,.625>] [.8 rgb <1,.25,.5>] } } finish {ambient .875 diffuse 0 brilliance 0} } As you can see, it uses the slope pigment pattern to make a nice gradiented shading pattern. I used DDClip to help me lip-sync Hogwire's mouth to the audio. One example: The animation has 100 frames, at a rate of 24 fps. Go into DDClip, open the sound file you wish to lip-sync, and set the frame rate to 24. Zoom in to 2-3 frames per inch. Now, go frame-by frame and input data, according to the loudness of the sound, into a spline like this: #declare Spline1 = //Mouth (It doesn't make any blooming sense!) spline { cubic_spline 058,0 059,1/2 060,1/2 061,1/4 062,1/4 064,1/2 065,1/3 066,1/3 067,1/3 068,1/6 069,1/6 070,0 072,3/4 073,1/4 075,1/3 078,1/5 081,1/3 083,1/2 085,1/3 086,1/7 089,1/7 090,1/3 093,1/5 094,1/4 096,1/5 100,0 } Then bring it to a declared variable like so: #declare MouthOpen = 0+Spline1(clock*100).x //This assumes the clock goes from 0-1 The model you want to have talk should require a MouthOpen variable to be declared. This variable will open the mouth in sync with the sound. Render the anim out using +kff100. Behold! A talking whatever. :) And, yes, that is my voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After the helium. EXTRA THANKS TO: Chris Huff, who probably worked his butt off to get MP+ .32 out in time for me to finish the anim. (And with school in session! Wow!) Nathan Kopp, who continues to do great work on MegaPov. Whoever created the slope pattern. Thanks! IN FINISHING: Enjoy the animation, and please let me know what you think, either by e-mail or commenting. Thanks again! H.E. Day <>< 2:44 PM October 5, 2000 P.S. To get DDClip, do a search for DDClip online. You'll find it, I'm sure.