===== From dearmad@sapere.com: Not bad for 14- keep at it, and you'll be winning contests. The story was a little weak this tims, and your visual details spare and a little uninteresting. Nice character work on you main guy though. ===== From gsingelm@acm.org: hey, another raydream user! i thought i was the only one left. a good first. i really like what you do for bob's expressions with just two eyes and two eyebrows. ===== From tek@evilsuperbrain.com: Nice first attempt, keep it up! ===== From lou_bruce@yahoo.com: It needed more detail in the animaton, things just seemed to happen without any cause or effect. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: I like the fading treatment on the titles. And the continuation of the ship's escape at the very end of the film. Pretty simple story ideas, though. What did he do to make his "escape"? Just walk out through an airlock! And that zippy guard couldn't catch him? Very abrupt transition between when he is standing outside the ship and when the ship takes off. Good touches such as his reaction when the door opens. ===== From file: Too easy escape :-)