===== From maal-irtc20030115@anthrosphinx.de: Liked the look of the opening shot, but couldn't help feeling like the story's not that much related to a "journey"? ===== From javaearl@hotmail.com: If Mime Man is going to talk, perhaps you should consider a new name for him. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: The concept has potential but needed something more. The animation of the arms needed to look more natural. ===== From evilsnack@hotmail.com: JV: Animation of models is very limited; Mr. Gap Tooth looks more like he's having a slow-motion seizure than a fit of cackling. Using a flat plane with normal perturbation to simulate rough terrain doesn't work well when the terrain is viewed from shallow angles. ===== From tek@evilsuperbrain.com: A nice showcase for your lip syncing, and very good for a late entry. But it needs to be longer! I want to know who that bad guy is! :) From a technical point of view, the spaceship and planet surface are nice, but the textures on mime man and the sky seem a little flat and simple. The animation on his mouth is awesome, but his walking and hand movements seem very artificial, particularly when compared to the "Dry Run" piece entered this round. One thing you have got very good is the timing. The captions pop on and off at the right times, staying long enough to read them but not hanging around afterwards, and the editing is good (well, as good as it can be on something this short). Also the opening and closing credits look great. ===== From maarten_hofman@hotmail.com: Pity about the space theme. I'm always impressed with the hand made human characters, so I'm impressed with these two as well. ===== From jps6860@yahoo.com: The animation is very well done but it seems to focus more on a destination rather than the journey. The villain struck me as a bit odd. I think its because his mouth movement was in sync with his nodding head, giving the impression of a much slower laugh rather that the maniacal laughter you were probably going for. (Sort of like ha.... ha.... ha.... instead of muhahaha). ===== From clem@dhol.org: Not much story. Good job on the mouth sync. I like the ground texture. I don't see much "journey" here. The Mime Man look is coming along well.