===== From evilsnack@hotmail.com: I don't really see evolution taking place here. ===== From jps6860@yahoo.com: A straightforward approach on evolution. I'm a bit confused by what is going on though. Why were only the blue balls attacked and what was attacking them? From the text file it sounds like there was almost 30 seconds that got cut out. Maybe the answers to my questions are in those missing frames. ===== From irtc_mail@yahoo.co.uk: The life forms here are so small on screen it is difficult to keep track of what is happening. After the cull when there was just one red one left I did not notice it until it started flashing. I had to watch it a few times to be certain that I had not missed something. The asteroids look good, but after a while it becomes obvious that nothing is rotating in the scene. The energy beam needs to be much brighter, it is darker than the asteroids. The overall theme of evolution/survival of the fittest here fits in with the topic, but the whole thing feels more like a demonstration of the principal than a story. ===== From file: Interesting take on the subject. Nice modelling on the rocks.