===== From Markus.Altendorff@asamnet.de: It's a nice proof-of-concept, and also on topic, but as you stated in your text file, the story is a bit weak. ===== From maal-irtc20030115@anthrosphinx.de: It's a nice software proof-of-concept, and also on topic, but as you stated in your text file, the story is a bit weak. ===== From evilsnack@hotmail.com: Artistically pleasing, not technically challenging, concept baffling. ===== From schaneville@hotmail.com: I'm duly impressed with your ray-tracer. Lots of features in it. Can't really rate the animation extremely high for Concept, but technically it's great! ===== From jminner@sc.rr.com: Interesting, but very boring. ===== From zach@brewstergeisz.cjb.net: Minor quibble with the text file: it's called "cel" animation, with one L. :) You certainly get props for writing your own renderer, and it created a beautiful and unique look for the film. ===== From s.mitchell@tue.nl: You've written a very nice renderer. I do encourage you to pick up a little OpenGL know how, too. I suggest writing an OpenGL modeler for your ray tracer. ===== From pterandon@yahoo.com: Nice-looking, nice technique. Not clearly related to topic. ===== From thatsalloneword@msn.com: A little abstract, but good. There seems to be a distortion on the right side of but I like the outline effect. I think it could've been better if we knew what the soldiers were escaping, or where they were escaping to. ===== From irtc_mail@yahoo.co.uk: The first thing that grabs the attention here is the tartan texture fixed in space so they all walk through it. From the text file it seems that this is deliberate but there must be a better way to demonstrate it. The second thing is the walk itself: each soldier moves his arms and legs on each side together rather than against each other. The world is full of renderers that can do spheres, cylinders etc. What is needed are modelling and animation packages. ===== From file: interesting gateway effect. would be interesting to know if the 'image through the door' is a feature in the ray tracer, or just posterized sequence of pre-rendered images (I did that once before, so I know how convicing it can be) Notable for originality ===== From file: Nice tracer, actually. Notable for modelling, lighting, textures