===== From maal-irtc20030115@anthrosphinx.de: I'm not sure what to think of this one - it starts promising (from a technical point of view), but it seems it was damaged during the upload, since it's really, really small and wouldn't play in most players i tried. Better luck next time... ===== From mrnohr@yahoo.com: Did not load ===== From evilsnack@hotmail.com: An interesting technical demo of a shockwave, but there's nothing more to it than that. ===== From marlo.steed@uleth.ca: Can't see you animation - all the other load fine but yours will not download. ===== From lou_bruce@yahoo.com: This one kept freaking out Windows Media player but I finaaly got to watch it a couple times. Good concept. More color and texture. Why would you blow boxes across a checkerboard with an explosion?