TITLE: Fireworks NAME: Marlo Steed COUNTRY: Canada EMAIL: marlo.steed@uleth.ca WEBPAGE: http://www.edu.uleth.ca/faculty/members/steed/ TOPIC: Explosion COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: Lightwave TOOLS USED: Lightwave for modeling and rendering CREATION TIME: Hard to estimate - worked on it off and on and then last week it seemed like full time... HARDWARE USED: Powerbook G4 VIEWING RECOMMENDATIONS: No sound - sorry. ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: I thought fireworks were a spectacular form of explosions. Fireworks are controlled explosions designed to thrill the viewer. I also wanted to provide some sense of location so I created a fly-over the terrain. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS ANIMATION WAS CREATED: I used Lightwave's hypervoxel system for the fireworks and smoke. The tricky part was getting the smoke to follow the same path as the sparkler particles and then have the particles die out at just the right time. I threw in some secondary explosions for variety sake and then added a different look for the last explosion. I also added lights and tried to sink those to the fireworks explosions - with mixed results - just didn't have time to render and preview so some of the lights are out of synch (there is one obvious one towards the end of the second to last fireworks spray). I thought moving the camera provided a bit more of a dynamic feel to scene rather than just have it stationary. The terrain was just created from a plane and then used a deformation map. The sky was created with Lightwaves built in sky generator (Skytracer 2). I added a volumetric fog to give the horizon a haze (this added significantly to the render time but hopefully it is worth it.