===== Pretty good for just text editing man! Wow! ===== The image is a little dull. Try putting him in a factory or a fleet. ===== Too hazy without some explanation of why. Is it underwater? In a thick atmosphere? What do the arm things do? ===== The image would have been better with textures and different material types. For example, the top sphere could be semi-transparent and show something inside. Also, the "arms" could use some bright colors. The background could be replaced with a simple heightfield which would put the "egghead" in a realistic environment. ===== Nice use of atmosphere and halos. ===== I like the lighting in this, it seems a bit washed out but I like the overall tone. ===== The atmosphere gives a very realistic, soft look, -without- blurring the nice sharp edges on the saucer. Very nice! ===== Interesting concept and model. However, the atmosphere/lighting creates a lot of distracting shadows. The colour scheme is too monotonous; a few texture maps and/or variations in colour would have done wonders. ===== Interesting image, nice colors.