===== the human figures looked fake in the light. place them in shadows next time. ===== There seems to be a problem with this jpg...? ===== another one? They are very nice looking and you did a very nice job of modeling the troopers but this is just too much. Didn't you have one that you thought was better than the others? ===== Models: Excellent. Scene: Not Excellent. ===== Hey! We're clay! ===== You know how you feel when you watch a movie or TV show and keep recognizing a bunch of stock footage? This is how I feel right now. Give me one really amazing image, not tons of rearranged models, even if they're really /good/ models. ===== I HATE STAR TREK !!!!! ===== Perhaps if you were to submit only your best few starwars images. Most of these are simply now-familiar mesh objects on some new background. ===== The models look way too stiff, despite being very detailed ===== This would be a lot more effective if the troops were carrying weapons. ===== Very impressive faces! ===== No more Star Wars ===== The character's poses look extremely stiff and unnatural. ===== Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Bum Bumm!! Bum Bum ===== AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why so much STAR WARS?????? I'm gonna be sick!!!! ===== The background figures seem a little stiff. what are the foreground Stormtroopers doing, high fives for everybody? ===== It was nice the first go-round, but once you've got a model, the rest is easy. What is this, the tenth Star Wars image I've seen by this guy?? Pick something new. ===== Boring ===== Only voting on one of your pictures. ===== The soldiers look like zombies - no smooth motion... ===== grrrr... ===== If you see really closely, you might find great deal of detail on human face. I would say this is a professional job on modeling and take years of practices. ===== Officers and stormtroopers look too stiff, toy-like ===== Like department-store mannequins.