===== I still say you should try "blobbing all of those spheres together. ===== Nice on the detail. Incidently, we have to vote on every image. ===== cool! ===== I like the transporter/halo/thing... A suggestion for the dude in the picture (I'm impressed by BTW): try fleshing out his waist area. I'm not suggesting that you get "anatomically explicit," but he's got an awfully thin waist line...give him some hips. :) ===== Wasn't that the guy on the beach with the lasers? ===== A little wordy, but I really like the picture. ===== You, arrogant ?! How did you get that idea ? ===== Quantum Leap, anyone? ===== I like this idea a lot. The figure's waist/hips, though, are way too narrow, and the hands a bit klunky. But I like the rest of the scene - lasers, halos, other details - quite a lot. ===== I'd hate to have to do that human body... Ouch. Nice work. ===== Great Advice ! ===== The lighting in the room seeks kind of dark. I like the halo and your lasers alot. Alot of the pannels and viewscreens could use some work though. They look too much like cardboard cutouts. Not that i could do better, I just think they need some work. ===== Just back from a date with Lorena? ===== That guy looks better here than he did as a bodyguard! Nice coloring, good detail.