===== From chipr@niestu.com: Glass? ===== From tholal@bga.com: Where's the glass? ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: Wow, stunning. ===== From ucoakc00@mcl.ucsb.edu: Glass? Cool image, though. ===== From rea@st-and.ac.uk: Often a good substitute for heavy ambient is simply to add an extra light, or to increase the contribution of the extra lights. Too much abient can make an image look flat, especially when glass is involved. ===== From amarok@geocities.com: I really like the glowing ball. ===== From lpurple@netcom.com: The orb looks really cool (at first I thought it was meant to be a solar eclipse). A tiny nitpick: the orb glows where the front two claws touch it; since it is made of glass, shouldn't a third glow from the back claw be shining through the center? The columns and the tiara model are very nice. ===== From dick@buckosoft.com: I love the eclipsed? sun. I think the rest of the colors are too washed out. From web_user@tonyv.aztec.co.za: Dobar dan. Better English than my Croat. Not my type of picture though. Cheers.