===== From chipr@niestu.com: Very accurate textures. Proportions a bit off. ===== From cgallego@nordnet.fr: Nice textures... Except the reflection map used...Makes you think that the marbles are all made of sort of marble ! Maybe the ground texture is sort of a stereogram ;^D http://home.nordnet.fr/~cgallego ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: funny how this is similar to marbles1.jpg (pavement, weeds)- though done by completely different people. ===== From tlyons@gnn.com: looks real!! ===== From 93semeno@scar.utoronto.ca: Very real pavement. ===== From ucoakc00@mcl.ucsb.edu: Another nice marbles image. ===== From rea@st-and.ac.uk: Not bad - some of the marbles look as though they are hanging in space. This is possibly to do with the lighting choice. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: I really like the chalk and asphalt textures. ===== From no13@ozemail.com.au: By far the best of all the marble images. ===== From lpurple@netcom.com: The marbles look good; blacktop is a fraction too dark (gamma?). Weeds growing from the sidewilk crack is a nice touch. ===== From dick@buckosoft.com: Very nice blacktop texture. Chalk is great too. Very realistic. From web_user@p5-01.z03.glo.be: Notable for composition, textures