===== From chipr@niestu.com: Good detail on the glasses. ===== From sroberts@learn.senecac.on.ca: Liked your image, though I must have looked pretty silly standing by my monitor craning my head around to try and read the paper. The mummies lived in the Sarah Desert and travelled by Camelot? LOL! Very nicely modelled glasses and lamp. ===== From jay@map.com: Try using a bezier patch for the paper - it would give it a bit more life (wrinkles, folded up on a corner, perhaps). Looks like the kind of homework paper that the dog *should* have eaten. :-) ===== From cgallego@nordnet.fr: Please, think of scene backgrounds... http://home.nordnet.fr/~cgallego ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: Great page contents! ...the page seems too looong though ===== From klynn@minn.net: Good idea! The table-top and background could use a little more detail. ===== From mickmcm@indigo.ie: Nice lenses. The image would have been better if the end of the table was shown with perhaps a simple background. Those infinite planes seem to pop up a little too often for my liking! ===== From ucoakc00@mcl.ucsb.edu: Hell, I'll vote for anything that isn't a glass, a cup, or a winebottle... ===== From rea@st-and.ac.uk: The glasses are great, but slightly marred by the wooden desk. Some work on that to produce a nice contrast, and possibly a more well-defined light source would do wonders. ===== From jmills@stic.net: I like it! Great work! ===== From lpurple@netcom.com: It's a little plain, but shows everything it needs to. (The text is very amusing; I used to see photo-copies of this thing floating around, even before the Internet.) From web_user@tonyv.aztec.co.za: It's a pity that the quality of the reading glasses is marred by the sterility of other objects. Anders, baie goed.