===== From chipr@niestu.com: I like Mickey, the book, and the bucket. Don't like the spiderwebs (inventive, but they look like steel screens), the mop (looks like a rock), or the wall (looks like a ray-tracer texture ). Interesting twist on the concept. ===== From mmandl@aol.com: The textures on the webs and hands could have been better. ===== From mwhite@redshift.com: Using some real simple objects you created a wonderful piece. Great Concept! ===== From mbrown@spry.com: Love the way you used the book so you didn't have to do mickey's face and avoid a possible legal issue ===== From jsaxton@folio.com: Cute. Spider webs are a bit too rigid and geometric, not too realistic. I really like the texture on the walls. ===== From charlie495@aol.com: I realize you covered up Mickey's face with the book because you couldn't get it done, but I'm afraid it _really_ takes away from the image. ===== From bbowen@cswnet.com: I was instantly disappointed not to see Mickey's face, a Mickey Mouse head having] been one of the very first things I ever modelled. On the bright side though, you won't risk any possible copyright infringement. :) Otherwise this was all nicely done. It has a good "cartoony" feel to it. ===== From ucoakc00@mcl.ucsb.edu: Nice image. The spider webs are a bit thick, though. ===== From amarok@geocities.com: The brush is great! But I think that the spider webs are far too thick. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: The stone-wall looks great. Animated with dancing brooms would be great - oh, I guess that's been done. ===== From eallen@highway1.com: I really like the brush. I would NOT want to come across the spider that make webs of this size! ===== From karl@pemail.net: A favorite theme of mine ! ===== From jjanger@mail.cspp.edu: Quite original, but I hope you have a good lawyer. Disney hates this kind of thing. ;) I espically (of all things) like the back wall. Great modeling for Mickey as well. ===== From quinet@gamers.org: Good idea. Good use of textures and good modeling for the hat and other stuff. Two things that could be improved: the webs could be thinner, and a light source placed lower than the camera (candle?) could be used in such a way that the stairs cast a shadow on the wall behind, so that they are more visible. ===== From pward@acslink.aone.net.au: I must congratulate you on Mickey, the object looks incredibly life like and solid. Well done. ===== From 93johnst@scar.utoronto.ca: Nice work. I like the concept for this image. ===== From shipbrk@gate.net: Cute take on the topic. Nice textures; I especially liked how you did the bristles on the scrub-brush. ===== From lutzen@vip.cybercity.dk: Very nice. I like it! ===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Liked the spiderwebs, though they're a bit thick and stiff-looking. Took some though to see the connection between serving an apprenticeship and going to school. ===== From no13@ozemail.com.au: Nice work. A little texture to the walls (and not just the normal) would have helped. The walls looked a little to plastic compared to the rest of the image. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Original concept, but needs more work. Jaime (jaime@ctav.es) ===== From marvil@algonet.se: Cute!