===== From agage@mines.edu: A discription of how you did the cigarette smoke would have been nice. Good book objects. ===== From jjanger@mail.cspp.edu: You were right about the detail. Everything here is very well done. I'm assuming that the picture you mentioned is on the wall to the right. Can't see to much of it. Still, everything looks great, espically the pen. ;) ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice and well done. Good transition from SCHOOL to P&M ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: nice attention to details, and composition. ===== From libelle@webbwerks.com: As a physics major (long time ago...), this reminded me of countless long study sessions. ===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: I rather liked this picture, the objects are very nicely modelled. You might have wanted to play around with your light sources a little more though, the lack of shadowing around the base of the lamp, especially compared to the heavy shadows by the nearby coffee mug and ashtray, looks a little strange. I think you need more light coming in the window, and less from the lamp itself. ===== From firestar@eskimo.com: Hehe. :) Nice idea. Although I'm highly against note taking I still manage to run out of paper at least once or twice a quarter in my Physics classes. The main thing that I'd like to comment on is that the notes on the wall look too flat. I know that it's paper, but I've never seen a note posted like that that didn't have some curve to it. A bezier patch would have probably done the job beautifully. Other than that everything else in the sceen looks very good. ===== From 93johnst@scar.utoronto.ca: Though I only major in Computer Science and Physics (not as much emphasis on the physics as if I had just majored in Physics) I know what you mean by university courses ruining a good subject. I can really relate to this image. ===== From Jean-Luc.Peuriere@wanadoo.fr: Sad indeed but pretty good ===== From amarok@geocities.com: The pen looks good, but there seems to be no light coming from the window. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Excellent modelling, especially on the clock, lamp, and blue pen. Object sizes don't quite match: that's either a really big pen, or a really small coffee cup. There should definitely be a horizon outside the window. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: Very nice. A fairly high complexity image that shows enormous effort to assemble it all. I especially liked the post-it note saying to buy more Post-it notes. (Yes, I get a kick out of little details like that ). The weak link I thought was the image map of the trees outside the window. It was a clever idea to put an image_map'd scene outside the window, but as long as you're doing that anyway, why not use a scanned photograph? ===== From alex@astro.queensu.ca: paper look's out of proportion ===== From warwick@troll.no: Small clock. Nice pen. ===== From SSchanevil@aol.com: Nice mechanical pencil, nice calculator. Also, I'm impressed will how well the trees worked out since they are just an image map. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: The lighting looks somewhat unnatural. The light source seems to be neither in the lamp neither outside the window. ===== From web_user@sf-pm1-28-28.dialup.slip.net: Notable for composition