===== From klynn@minn.net: Great texturing on those floor tiles! Would make a good animation. ===== From agage@mines.edu: Very nice image. Focal blur on near rails and reflections off the ball are a plus. ===== From jjanger@mail.cspp.edu: Some very nice things in this image. The focal blur I think was a little too much. The grainy background is almost distracting. The upper banisters reflected in the bob look good. I'm glad you explained the stars on the ground. I was thinking or trying somelike like that myself. ===== From tlyons@gnn.com: nice floor! ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: A really good one! Sorry you didn't show a timing of the experiment to help people determine where you live! ===== From mcivor@wolfenet.com: I really like your use of reflections to add detail ! ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice Idea (Very nice). ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: I'm reading the book by Umberto Eco right now! Is there focal blue in this scene (background)? I find it takes away from the image. ===== From Jean-Luc.Peuriere@wanadoo.fr: Good image, well on topic ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: A really fine image. Nice use of focal blur gives a convincing sense of depth. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: Hmmm. Excellent. The background is quite good, but could use something to imply the pendulum isn't the only thing in the hall. Since an upper balcony appears in the reflection of the pendulum, how about the start of a staircase off in the righthand, rear of the image? I don't know about the idea of putting focal blur on the pendulum, though. The examples of this device that I've seen usually swing fairly slowly. Motion blur might make it look less believable, and anyway, the fact that the pendulum is at such a steep angle already implies impending motion to the eye, so the blur would be superfluous. ===== From alex@astro.queensu.ca: confusing ===== From SSchanevil@aol.com: You've got something this size in your house!?? Great floor. ===== From marvil@algonet.se: The pendulum looks good. The floor pattern is superbly done. The columns reflected in the pendulum add realism to the picture, but I miss something more in the background. And since there is nothing in the background, I don't think the limited depth of focus really is necessary. Very nice image anyway! ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: Quite realistic marble patterns, but the background lacks some detail. ===== From web_user@firewall.ibertech.com: So.... what time is it? Very well done! Notable for composition