===== From agage@mines.edu: I'm curious about how you did the paper: bezier curve? Heightfield? Interesting image. ===== From tlyons@gnn.com: pretty geo...nice floor! ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Good ideas, and the lattice is really nice. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: elegant ===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Gorgeous image! Simple sometimes is better. ===== From Jean-Luc.Peuriere@wanadoo.fr: :-)))) ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Makes a good wallpaper. ===== From alex@astro.queensu.ca: dauntingly complicated ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: Though very simple, this is a very nice and atmospheric image! I prefer well lit simple scenes and good composition over sophisticated modelling with bad lighting.