===== From woehrle@gfai.de: Shame on you that your central object is not made by yourself, but from a library! But anyway, you made a nice, atmospheric picture in a real dungeon&dragon-look. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice ambient, but the blur efect is abit strange. And, is not especified if the model of the skeleton is yours or is a commercial/shareware model. ===== From bianco@alto.unice.fr: Great picture ;-) ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: Great Realism! ===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: The image is nice, not to cluttered, not to garish, just a shame the skeleton was a premade object. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: A classy, mystical image. Well done. Good use of focal blur. But flame in right corner is distracting. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: I very much enjoyed this image. Something you said in the text file stikes me though --- about how you wanted to create a character. It would slightly enhance the effect if the skeleton were, perhaps draped in a tattered, holey robe, and maybe a simple silver circlet on the skull (these items would add to his "personality", making us wonder, "who was he in life?") Also, if the arms were repositioned slightly, with the flame holding arm up higher, and the empty handed arm swept back slightly, it would add a dramatic touch. ===== From pan@syix.com: Walls and blur done to good effect. Is the skelton an original model? ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Good skeleton. I didn't notice the blue flame until I read the text. Very nice flames on the torches. Scene seems a bit simple, like it is missing something. Very nice coloring.