===== From woehrle@gfai.de: Great scene! really! The firestorm in the middle looks hot and powerful, and the rest of the room has the real mystic atmosphere. Thas gives high ratings. ===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Hahaha! Liked the concept :) Very nice spiderweb and stuff. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice justification of topic. Nice ambient and light! ===== From jim@t130.aone.net.au: Well done on the concept and technical skills. My only concern artistically is that the picture itself doesn't tell the story...you need to read the documentation to understand the story. Don't let that stop you...as i said, otherwise excellent. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: Wow, that column of flames is great! I keep staring at it. ===== From cussat@infobiogen.fr: more works are needed on the flames. ===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: original I guess.. doesn't anyone model their own creatures/figures though? Lighting needed lots more work IMNSHO, the image came out cluttered and confused (viewing lots of raytraces one after another makes this sort of thing especially prominant. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: A bit disappointing: your very original idea turned into a standard -but not bad- picture. ===== From sbaker@tiac.net: I think the Washington DC theme works against your fine image. Why not a castle dungeon? Is there a face in the main fire? If so, it could be much more pronounced. The fire is much too straight. I don't know how, but if you could have suggested a bit more movement in them it yould have helped. (I did not take anything off for that, fire is very difficult.) Good image, good textures, good 'feel' ===== From warwick@troll.no: The textures seem arbitrary. ===== From dcorley@umr.edu: Your textures (on the floor and walls) need some work. The figure in the foregroud also needs some tweaking. (is that the devil? ;) I got a kick out of the three skeletons.. perhaps you should emphasize them more. Good try! ===== From cfusner@enter.net: In re the comment in the text file : political satire in a raytrace? Why that's just... well, come to think of it you did use a couple of halos. In that case, it's okay. ===== From pan@syix.com: Atmospherics and a little touch of focal blur would help. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: The column of fire in the middle is gorgeous, and well worth the effort you spent on it. The rest of the image is okay, though even with the text, I didn't see much connection with the budget. Cute idea, though!