===== From woehrle@gfai.de: Your own written raytracer??! Oh man, don't you have family? Compared to the other pictures your pic is of course a little weak, but under the aspect of the raytracer it's a great thing, and I give you a high Technical merit. I'm curios about your webpage... ===== From jaime@ctav.es: The image is not one of my favs, but it shows that you have wrote a great raytracer! Good Work! ===== From cussat@infobiogen.fr: Good mark at the technical merit part 'cause you write the ray-tracer... ===== From amarok@geocities.com: I just have to give you maximum techical merit score for writing your own ray tracer. ===== From dcorley@umr.edu: Congratulations on your work with your own ray-tracer.. That is quite an accomplishment! Your image is a good try... you need to work on the lighting, and on the focal blur. The hand in the foreground is nearly indistinguishable. Keep trying! ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Very good candle flame. Hard to visualize the "gate"--it seems to be a glass sphere, with the "other place" inside, but the absence of specular reflection makes it hard to see. High marks for writing your own renderer.