===== From rbenjami@packet.net: A little more detail on the snake would have been good. Everything else looks so realistic. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Very Funny! ===== From klynn@minn.net: Cool picture! Good photorealism. One minor thing -either the cauldron is small, or the straw is huge! ===== From Jean-Luc.Peuriere@wanadoo.fr: not very tasty isn't it ! idea was very good but textures are either too basic or too complex ===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: hey wow, a picture I can find no faults with. Love the texture on the cauldron and the straw. WooHoo for C functions :). ===== From amarok@geocities.com: Interesting texture on the eye-balls. I also like that the liquid really curved. Very good texturing, overall. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Funny and very well done! A few suggestions: the flames in the background are not as good-looking as the rest, and you could try piriforms for the wax drops. ===== From bill@atria.com: Great candles and caldron texture... ===== From warwick@troll.no: Pot too shiny - it's rusty, right? ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Gross! A very vivid image. Nice signature in the corner. ===== From pan@syix.com: The cauldron is stone? too shiny. The drips on the candles jar my eyes. Overall a likeable picture. The snake and the label are the best elements. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Hilarious image. The straw added a wonderful, whacky touch. The cauldron is totally unrealistic, though gorgeous, and goes nicely with the rest of the silliness. I love the recipe! Good use of the isosurface function. ===== From web_user@access1-5.onatel.bf: Nice snake. As for the cauldron, rusty and shiny don't go well together.