===== From klynn@minn.net: Nice dragon! ===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: I felt everything needed to be a little more organic looking (dragon and rider especially) ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: I like the objects in this picture, but I think it lacks something like unity: it looks more like a set of pieces rather than a full scene. I don't know why. ===== From bill@atria.com: Great dragon, snow looks good too, the rider is also good. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Awesome dragon, rider, and background! I only wish the mountain looked more rocky instead of smooth and shiny. The shiny, scaly texture of the dragon is perfect. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: An excellent image. The only thing that catches the eye as "wrong" is that the wings of the dragon seem far to small to lift such a massive body. Either the dragon should go on a diet or the wings should be scaled larger to compensate. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: I really like the way the snow hangs over the edge of the cliff. The wizard is cool, too--very realistic. The staff effect is nice, and the color and texture of the dragon are also very effective. The dragon's proportions seem a bit foreshortened--it looks stubby, almost dumpy. But the face is all business. Excellent image overall. ===== From web_user@access1-5.onatel.bf: Great idea : bump_map for scales. I'll remember that.