===== From dastardly@geocities.com: What does this have to do with magic??? ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Really nice, but why is magic? (It has a really poor conection with the theme). ===== From libelle@webbwerks.com: Is it magical? ===== From craig610@aol.com: Nice motorcycle, but it has nothing to do with the topic of magic ===== From lowellr@globaldialog.com: This image was not created for this competition. It has nothing to do with magic which was the topic. Being outside of the competition rules it deserves no points. ===== From klynn@minn.net: Very nice model! Great photorealism. But you need to be more clear about the connection to the theme. ===== From Jean-Luc.Peuriere@wanadoo.fr: Where is the magic ? ===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: its a really nice model and render and all however I feel that it is not that appropriate for the subject. ===== From amarok@geocities.com: Beautiful image! Extremely realistic! Unfortunately I have to give you 1 on "concept" since it has nothing whatsoever to do with magic, but I'll give you 19 and 18 in the other categories. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Magic? ===== From bill@atria.com: Oops, this is off topic... ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Beautiful bike, wrong competition. Is the front axle missing? ===== From Ian.Bosley@trimble.co.nz: Did you read the topic at all? ===== From ingo@ibm.net: Hi! This is what I call _really_ off-topic! :) Maybe you should have read the rules before entering this image. On the other hand it's better than some guys that enter the same kind of off-topic stuff and give a 100+ lines explanation on why it is on-topic in their opinion. ;) Nice picture, indeed, but I'm sorry that I couldn't give you a high rating. Bye, Ingo. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: Spectacular model. But... in what way does this even attempt to portray the chosen topic? And moreover, even if we discount the fact that this is completely off topic, the scene itself is little more than a demo of the subject model. As I said, excellent model, but... ===== From pan@syix.com: and the topic was ... ? ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Um, the theme was "Magic", not "Motorcycles". Also, you acknowledge that this was not primarily done for the competition ("took me three months"), another no-no. Check the rules more closely next time. Very nice image--I'd love to see what you could do if you stuck to the rules! ===== From web_user@mail.folio.com: Notable for modelling ===== From web_user@access1-5.onatel.bf: Amazing work, but IMO totaly off-topic.