===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: The skull is extremely well done. Your wall could have stood a little mortar betwene the bricks maybe. ===== From jim@t130.aone.net.au: a regular gripe of mine...the picture needs the text to explain it. but nicely done nonetheless. ===== From warwick@troll.no: Keep that muddy water - it is excellent. ===== From xavierleclercq@iname.com: The ridder is nice. The wall is nice too. The sword looks good but why isn't the flat turned towards us ? It would make the sword more visible. I would have make the water a little bumpy since there are people walking in it. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Great modeling, many nice textures. The skeleton's clothing/armor could use some more texturing, and his left hand looks awkward. ===== From web_user@mail.folio.com: Notable for originality