===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Not bad, but the brim of the hat is too thin - it looks like the hat is made of construction paper. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Very good textures. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: If you used image_maps to put the face's on the cards, a much easier approach to "rounding the corners" would be to use GIF's so that you could take advantage of POV's ability to make one or more pallette index #'s transparent. ie. "paint out" the corners in, say pallette index #0, then add "transmit 0,1" to your image map. This would make the sharp corners invisible, which is, practically speaking, the same as being cut off. Very nice image, though. The extra antialiasing makes quite a difference in the textures. Beautiful. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Nice simple image, but gets its point across.