===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: The splash is very nice, the hand and forearm still need a little work. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice splash! ===== From Jean-Luc.Peuriere@wanadoo.fr: far inferior to the I, I Think, but this time well composed ===== From amarok@geocities.com: The water is well-made. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Very nice. The water bubbles are too uniform, and seem to be clustered off to the side of where the arm emerges. I like the way the ripples surround the arm--a common problem in rendered water is that objects penetrating its surface don't disturb it, and you've solved that. I do wish you had described how you did that, and how you accomplished two other effects--the very realistic moon, and those excellent flickers on the sword blade. Guess I can look at the source, though, so thanks for including it!