===== From libelle@webbwerks.com: The scary thing is that that's how it really works... ===== From Jean-Luc.Peuriere@wanadoo.fr: strange idea but some neat effects make this a good one ===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: why on earth did it take 7 DAYS to trace???? ===== From amarok@geocities.com: + The walls, floor and golden bits - The bright red/green/blue letters ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Good idea, lacking finish. You could have easily got the same walls and floor using the most useful crackle texture as a texture mapping; since it has no definite direction, you can bend it around any kind of surface, even a round tower. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Nice point of view. Why do the pentagram lines fill the cracks between the floor stones? ===== From cfusner@enter.net: Aha! I *knew* there was a supernatural explanation for Bill Gates' success, although I suspected something more sinister... ===== From chipr@niestu.com: So *that's* how they do it! I really like the stone walls.