===== From lowellr@globaldialog.com: Very nice picture. I don't buy the magic tie in though. ===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: The sun didn't appear 'glowing' enough, nor did it shade the clouds. Also I'm a little uncertain what the smoke/mist in the lower right is there for. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: Ah... what a nice break from fantasy and stage props. Ok, I accept the premise. Sunrises are kind of magical. Well thought. The fog cloud's being bunched up on one side of the image was sort of distracting. It should, if possible, be spread in swirls across the water's surface, I thought. The waves are sort of unconvincing close up, although they look better further out. Being a POV person, I don't know how to advise you on Raydream, but they need to be more like randomized bumps. Wave/ripple patterns usually don't make convincing ocean waves, surprisingly. Just one more thing: in your world here, is it "merise" or "meset"? (Don't know whether I'm waking up or getting ready for bed :) ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Very pretty scene.