===== From jaime@ctav.es: Very nice and artistic, but,Sorry, I cant rate tech and orig. without a minimal explanation.You don't say any info about Hardware, Render, models, etc... Why? ===== From craig610@aol.com: Since you did not include any info about how the image was done,I rated you low for technical merit. ===== From klynn@minn.net: Undead, but not undecomposed! Cool picture. I like the lighting on the clouds. ===== From eallen@highway1.com: Very nice. It's difficult to judge technical merit without any information about the image. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: The lighting for this piece is remarkable. ===== From peter@table76.demon.co.uk: I'd've liked to see an explanation of how this was done, and a description. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: I can't really judge this image on tech merit without some explanation--just which renderer you used would have helped. Artistically and conceptually, very nice.