===== From bnh@glasswings.com.au: Go the SpaceDoggy! ===== From amarok@geocities.com: I like the space ship. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Good modelling, especially on the mechanical linkages of the ship. ===== From Ian.Bosley@trimble.co.nz: I like the Stallone - Cobra look -- very good. ===== From no13@ozemail.com.au: The composition of this image needs some more work. The gap between the Spacedog and sorceror is distracting. ===== From cfusner@enter.net: Very good implementation of the sorcerer off in the shadows, approaching, dark and menacing. Would be better, however, if perhaps there were some ironic suspense, such as Spacedog is turned with his back to the sorcerer, perhaps examining his weapon, unaware that this sinister figure is stalking him from behind. Look out Spacedog! ===== From chipr@niestu.com: Normally I don't go much for tech/magic crossovers. But this one appealed to me. I really like the menacing figure of the sorcerer. Some excellent standout bits: the lighting, especially the backlighting of the sorcerer; the modeling of the machine; the laser sight on the gun. Drawbacks: the cartoonish appearance of "spacedog"--a helmeted figure would have been much more menacing, and I think the scene would have worked well with a less humorous tone. Also, the texture of the mechanism is a bit too rough, or else the color is too light, I dunno which. Overall, really nice scene.