TITLE: Mewow NAME: Mark J. Edmundson COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: cn2179@coastalnet.com WEBPAGE: None TOPIC: Magic COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. JPGFILE: mewow.jpg RENDERER USED: RayDream Studio 5.0 TOOLS USED: Photoshop 4.0 RENDER TIME: 28 minutes HARDWARE USED: Pentium 133 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Originally I wondered what to create that had to do with magic. Then I realized that few things are truly magical. Yet; conception, the thing that happens so much in our world, is truly magical. It copies ourselves to keep the image going. It attempts to better the image. And it is much more difficult than it seems. Conception has to happen at the correct time. The trip encompasses hostile territory, long distances, starvation, and unimaginable odds. Of the millions of sperm released only a few reach the goal area. And only one of these get to do the job! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: The image was modeled, arranged and rendered in RayDream Studio 5.0. The shaders were also created in RayDream Studio 5.0. Then the image was converted to JPG format in Photoshop 4.0.