TITLE: magic??? NAME: Terry B. Lyons Sr. COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: lyonstb@pacbell.net WEBPAGE: members.aol.com/tblyons TOPIC: magic COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: povray3 TOOLS USED: midnight modeler, lparser ,vi RENDER TIME: 16hrs HARDWARE USED: 100mhz pent clone , running linux IMAGE DESCRIPTION: the geat wizzard Zolman summons a dragon.... or zolman runs out to greet the dragon ship after throwing on his wizzards bathrobe..... any science advanced enough will apear to be magic to those who do not understand it! DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: dragonship was done with midnight modeler ,the trees were done with lparserand threst by hand...there has to be a better way to do this the sceane is too simple and take p way too much memory oh well live and learn .... be forewarned if you try to render this my peake mem used was ~80 megs! terry