EMAIL: NAME: Jim Knepley TOPIC: Magic COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. TITLE: Tools of the trade COUNTRY: USA WEBPAGE: None JPGFILE: toolsof2.jpg RENDERER USED: Ray Dream Studio v4.1 TOOLS USED: Adobe Photoshop to compile texture maps, Mustec scanner to scan them. RENDER TIME: 4 minutes HARDWARE USED: Cyrix 6x86 PR200+ w/64 meg RAM, Windows 95 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: My original idea involved the same setting, but a different theme. As an able magician myself, I wanted to show the joy of initially learning the art. To convey that scene to my satisfaction required more talent for modeling than I current posess... My second choice was to convey magic in a relatable form. Magic is an art of belief. People believe anything you tell them if you're convincing enough, and tarot readers are widely believed to be the genuine purveyors of the supernatural. Modern magicians generally scoff at tarot readers, but without much impact. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: Virtually none of the models used in this image are original. The table, chair, floor, glasses, and lamp are all models included with Ray Dream Studio. The original version of this photo lacked two elements: depth to the dealt cards, and scale. After a quick and frustrating effort at modeling each card individually, I sought an easier answer. I added drop shadows to the image map Photoshop and applied the image to the work surface. The spectacles were added to provide a sense of scale to the scene. The crystal ball was included to balance the table out as much as anything else. If you can't quite identify the cards in the image, the spread is... 1. 2 of Swords 2. 2 of Pentacles 3. 7 of Cups 4. The Lovers 5. Page of Swords 6. Ace of Wands 7. Knight of Swords 8. 8 of Pentacles 9. The Fool 10. The World I haven't bothered to translate the spread as the order was totally arbitrary. Tell me if it's something interesting. :-)