===== From kazemir@pde.com: I like the colours, and the idea. I think the scene seems a little too simple and/or too centred. I think I would have viewed the stage from an angle, and had it placed near a body of water to reflect the sun and stage. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: looks fine, a good background for a more detailed image. It seems like it needs more in the scene, more going on. Also 800x600 would be better. ===== From 93johnst@scar.utoronto.ca: Your image had a very nice, warm feel to it. However, in your attempt to make sure the image wasn't too busy, you may have gone too far the other way. The background of the image seems to open, like the stage is in the middle of nowhere. ===== From lowellr@globaldialog.com: I like the lighting effect from the front lite but it looks a bit to bright for the time ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Nice effect on the worn path. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Textures... this is the main problem here, since lighting is ok and your background is nice. But honnestly, I can't believe in a single-block building carved out of a single piece of raw material! BTW, would have it been possible to see it at full resolution? ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: The textures seem too coarse, looks more like brain than wood. (or whatever it's supposed to be. ===== From i_emackay@mountains.net.au: "Straight-on" camera angle seldom works. Shapes are too "primitive" for good picture. Lighting is too harsh. ===== From Martin.Magnusson.7121@student.uu.se: The textures look very good. Maybe you could have added some more details to the model of the stage, not just cylinders and boxes. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: This image is what I'd view as a good starting point. With more work, more subtle detail (so that you can maintain that non-busy look you want) it could be a great image. I know that's very nebulous advice, but it's the best I can offer. :{) ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: The wood textures are too big. I like the rock path in the foreground. ===== From web_user@flex058.dijkgraaf.wau.nl: Not many objects or fancy things, but I like the lighting and the overall atmosphere of the scene, it has a nice and warm effect.