===== From kazemir@pde.com: Great image. I like the lighting and the overall mood of the image. I would have liked to see the skeliton(s) in a walking position. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: I'm going to go check out thw work of Paul Delvaux now! (I like this style) ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Very nice, I'm dreaming! ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Too bad so many key elements in this scene come from other sources. But it's a nice, interesting surreal scene nevertheless, with good composition and lighting. Good sky, building, and especially roadway. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: A few suggestions...if it does not go against you model painter! Try to get a picture of the moon to map it, to avoid this "tennis ball"-looking moon I think you did not use triangle smoothing, and this can be seen on the head of the skeleton If possible, try to vary your textures a bit from a ground stone to another. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: The moon looks very unnatural. ===== From i_emackay@mountains.net.au: Nice work though the house and skeletons seem to be out of proportion. ===== From Martin.Magnusson.7121@student.uu.se: I like the road's texture. The trees look a bit stiff. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: An interesting image. I like the concept of the image, but wish some more work had gone into it. The predominance of the lamps and skeletons throughout the image takes away from the technical merit. As well as having each tree identical to its neighbors. The trouble with using imported models is 1) the fact that they tend to be well known, and 2) the form or stance of the object may not quite be perfect for the scene. I would have loved to have seen more details, the addition of some irregularities like chips in the pathway, dust, a leaf or two, that kind of thing. :{) ===== From ptdawson@voicenet.com: Very nice scene. Even the trees look good. :-)