===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: The concept and design are good, but the colours are too strong. You've also got some nasty moire patterns happening in the wood grains and wallpaper stripes. ===== From agage@mines.edu: I'd suggest a higher level of anti-aliasing -- the wallpaper in back looks a bit torn up since its detail is lost at the set view angle. Well, actually, it looks pretty cool that way, but if that wasn't the desired effect, I'd suggest a lower AA threshold. ===== From kazemir@pde.com: I like the ceiling and the light fixture. I think the stage should go all the way up to the ceiling, with curtains hanging down part way. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: well done scene, but it lack pizazz, the objects are a little to square and regular. Still, I appreciate the technical work that went into creating all the details. ===== From 93johnst@scar.utoronto.ca: The ceiling is very well done. You may want to consider lowering the brightness of the light, as it may serve to give more realism to the scene. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: The best part of this scene: the overhead lights. The worst part: the garish blue texture on the seats. The top of the stage seems rather low. Good idea using a separate file to create objects. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: You seemed to have a problem with your banded textures (gradients?). A way to get rid of this is to strongly improve antialiasing (recursion 2, threshold 0 for instance). Another way is to increase the width of the bands. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: Very flat-looking for the lack of shadows and insufficient antialiasing. That, of course, explains the extremely short rendering time. Spend a little more time refining camera angle and lighting. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: Prett good image. I think some of the textures could have used a bit more work. Most notably the ones on the audience chairs and the front/base of the stage. It's a shame that the camera angle you chose causes most of the great detail to be lost. ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: The wood textures need more work. I like the chandeliers and how their light sources work, very good.