===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Wow, the red ink bottle may be messed up, but it's a cool effect...I wonder what caused it... ===== From agage@mines.edu: Actually, I really like how the bottle of red ink turned out. It might not be what you had in mind, but it is kinda neat. ===== From kazemir@pde.com: Great composition. I really like the glass containers and the colours in them. The jars look very realistic. I think the red container is a little too busy. Perhaps it should be the same as the green jar. Also, I would have made the jar glass walls a little thinner, they look very thick glass for ink/paint. The writing on the pen (POVRAY zebra) is a little hard to read, I think there is a blue drop shadow on it? ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: The crystal came out nice. ===== From jgoeson@msn.com: I wouldn't have guessed that the red and blue bottles were mistakes had I not read what you said about them. I think they look good. Good job. ===== From jaime@ctav.es: I expected a more "japaness" writting! :) ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Intentional or not, the bottles of ink look fine! But the shadows throughout the scene seem too monotone. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: However I'm not totally convinced by your arguments connecting this picture to the topic, here are a few comments... I think it would have been a good idea to show the device (probably feather) used to draw the text. Lighting is a bit too hard, so some parts are overexposed. I have nothing against Moray, but I thought it enabled you to use real geometrical shapes like cylinders and torii. In this picture, the ink bottles show many unrealistic internal reflecions/refractions which would have been suppressed. Another think concerning your bottles is their (imho) too high ior, making them very reflective... another problem linked with smoothed triagnles. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: You can see "edges" even in the round glass bottles. Use more polygons or a higher subdivision if they are splines. ===== From i_emackay@mountains.net.au: The idea and the objects are good. However, the lighting creates a very harsh effect. ===== From Martin.Magnusson.7121@student.uu.se: Hey, don't be so negative. It's a good image (even the ink bottles). The text on the pen looks a bit weird, though. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: As you said in your text file, you ran out of time. So did I, but unlike you I was not able to get an entry in on time. :{P Hmm.. comments... The lighting is too bright and too stark. Of course, that may have been intentional to help cover any textural and shape problems you thought you may have had with the rushed image. I would have put a subtle surface texture on the paper. ===== From msfl.bf@fasonet.bf: Nice reflections on the red ink bottle. And you're right : the crumbled paper looks more like a paper flyer ;)