===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Nicely done! I love the modelling you did for the plastic chairs, through the wooden ones at the back are a bit less realistic. Nice texturing. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: nice chairs ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Nice, and well done, but if I don't read the txt it seems that admins has misplaced it from the SCHOOL round. :) ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Nice model and texture on the contoured plastic seats and the chalkboard. But the wood chairs look rather chunky. Also, the unrealistically high viewpoint makes the scene look like a small model. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: The teacher seems to have a smaller chair than the pupils. Well it's only theatre. ===== From Martin.Magnusson.7121@student.uu.se: wooden chair looks pretty tubby, and wooden doors usually are made of smaller parts, not just one big piece. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: Running out of time to judge these things, so I'll get right to the advice part. The curtain needs work. So close to the camera, it needs more curves and a softer edge. The furnishings on the stage looked off to me, and it's taken me a while to figure out how to describe the "offness". I get the feeling I'm viewing a child's set of toys, rather than the actual objects. There's no one thing to point at that gives me this feeling. Part of it is the thickness, scale, detail and/or texture of the objects. Part of it is the lighting and placement. One thing that really enforces this impression is the scale of the pencil on the desk. Either the desk is real, real tiny, or the pencil is huge! ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: The grain on the doors needs work. Try scaling it much smaller and rotating on the X-axis about 89 degrees.