===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: Nice image - the line up the side of the rocket is a bit distracting, what is it meant to be? I like the grass! That pop can looks like it's floating abit above the ground...maybe it's just the way the shadow is falling... ===== From agage@mines.edu: If you want to try something that looks a little more grass-like than deformed spheres, I can mail you a .inc file that tries to create grass/hair out of unions of cylinders (with some bend due to gravity). The downside is that each blade of grass is quite a few objects, and getting anything thicker than what you have in this image would probably jump your object count by 10K :) ===== From kazemir@pde.com: I like the launch pad, and the pop can, and yes I do remember the model rockets, and their built in homing systems. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: The rocket and stand is good, the grass and fence are also well done. The trees in the background look odd, and the can looks too small (that must be one big rocket!) ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Light don't seems to come from sun (as intended for a outdor scene). Otherwise, nice modeling... ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Fine modelling, especially on the red base. Re-enter this image in the "childhood" competition! ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: There's something wrong with lighting. I don't see exactly what the problem is, but your objects look very "flat". Maybe too much lighting or ambient value. A suggestion for another picture (I think about doing the same once): put a camera and a tripod so that they reflect on the can! ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: I've never seen trees look like this. Anyway, I think the grass blades are quite good. The drink can seems to float some cm above the ground. A pity that the tip of the rocket is out of shot. ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: Good image. :{) I would have used a bit of an anti-alias (or more of one if you _did_ use it), as the edges of the rocket came out with jaggies. The trees come off a bit stunted and oddly shaped. Not sure what to suggest there, as I haven't used Sonya's INC file myself yet. I have it, just haven't gotten around to fiddling with it yet. :{) ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: I like the grass an fallen leaves.