===== From jsaxton@folio.com: Nice concept. I like how you separated the real from the imagined. Very nice modelling on the planes and the paint jars. A few suggestions: 1) I think the table would look better if it were more than just a box. Perhaps some routed edges would help. 2) The textures are a bit flat and uninteresting. How about using layered textures? The camo texture on the planes would be much more interesting if you added a layer of clear mixed with dark green texture. Overall very nice. ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Nice little object (paint, wooden plane), but why 640x480? ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: One question... Why the book on latin? :{) ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: All I had were balsa planes ===== From r@dial-23.ocis.net>: Great idea! Notable for textures