===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Nice atmospheric effect. A problem with lighting though, that may partially be corrected with a shadowless light. The problem of the fluorescent train remains... ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Very nice modelling. Nice atmosphere, too, perhaps a bit white and bright. And, for the lack of tools, it's all code-modelled? Great! ===== From eallen@highway1.com: the sunlight on the wall seems to have very sharp edges. very nice objects. how did you make them? ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: Detail is excellent. Composition could be better. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: tricycle lighting is interesting... ===== From r@dial-23.ocis.net>: Wow. Truly a work of art. The lighting combined with the atmosphere really gives it a lazy summer Sunday afternoon feel. Great modelling. Notable for textures, lighting, modelling, composition ===== From r@ww-td04.proxy.aol.com>: The modelling and lighting are really good, but the areas outside the light beam seem a little flat. A little fill lighting might look good.