===== From kosh@nesys.com: A good example of a practical use of rendering in the architectural/decorating design field. The cloth drapes nicely. Crib rail seems slightly blurred - is that a trait of the renderer? ===== From jkittle@earthlink.net: Good work , but rather plain. ===== From agage@mines.edu: Although I am familiar with what Alias PowerAnimator is capable of (and the fact that others might dock tech points for it) this image makes good use of its features, and I'm certain took a bit of work regardless. Very attractive, nice coloration and lighting. ===== From 101741.541@compuserve.com: Great freshness. Maybe it could have a more "unfinished aspect", as the waiting is not over. Belle fraîcheur (couleurs, formes..). La chambre aurait peut-être pu avoir l'air de n'être pas encore terminée, les futurs parents étant un peu débordés (mais je chipote). ===== From wozzeck@club-internet.fr: Glad to see you back! I like the overall scene, especially the light falling on the bed. I would regret a slight lack of "sharpness" in the picture. Anyway ou still have several months to complete it! ===== From jaime@ctav.es: Perhaps too lighted, IMHO, but nice. ===== From eallen@highway1.com: dangerous having that clock hang over the crib like that. nice image ===== From quinet@gamers.org: Nice work. I especially like the sheet/cloth? hanging from the bed. If there is a door on the right side of the picture, it would have been better to show a bit more of it, because I did not understand at first what this light blue thing was (I assume it is the frame of a door). ===== From arcana@sinbad.net: I like the image. :{) A few comments though: The angle/placement of the sharp light beam along the base of the crib looks "off" in relation to the window. Also, the addition of a few subtle textures to the crib and floor would help to counter the "washed-out" effect of all the white in the room. All in all though, it's a great image. :{) ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: A very nice image, particuarly the blanket over cot. Unfamiliar with the package you used so had to assume it was raytracing and fit the IRTC rules. Perhaps more explanation in your text file next time would help. ===== From bill.marrs@pureatria.com: Nice use of colors ===== From angella@goelette.tsi.u-bordeaux.fr: encore un pinocchio !! :) ===== From msfl.bf@fasonet.bf: This is very solidely executed. Actually nothing to add. ===== From r@regulus.its.uu.se>: How could such a simple scene take so long time to render on such a dream-machine??!