===== From roth@ens.ascom.ch: very original, good coloring ===== From djconnel@flash.net: Artistic: The sky is very nicely done, as are the mountains... they look like Bryce, in fact. Technical: The tower needs a lot more work.... texturing and modeling. Concept: Okay, but engineering aspects aren't really stressed here. ===== From castlewrks@aol.com: This image has a great background, but fails in the presentation of its main focus, the tower itself. It looks like a giant blob of carved sponge. ===== From sonya_roberts@geocities.com: "Your stairway to Heaven"....hehehe....nice image, very colourful. Too bad the detail of the tower and staircase are lost at this distance. ===== From chipr@niestu.com: The background is absolutely *gorgeous*--moon, clouds, mountains, all perfect. I also liked the stone marker. The only thing I didn't like was the tower itself--texture too harsh, modeling too simple, and the detail of the ramp was lost after the first revolution. Overall, quite nice, but could have been quite a bit better--you have great potential. ===== From gmccarter@hotmail.com: Nice color gradients. ===== From bobfranke@halcyon.com: A beautiful image, I especially like the work in the background. A bit off topic. This was never built. ===== From ethelm@bigfoot.com: Loved the moon and atmosphere. Humourous. ===== From bsieker@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de: According to the story in the Bible, the Tower was to be built in the middle of big city. ===== From lpurple@netcom.com: A bit simple, but clever and visually appealing. The caption sign is the best part. ===== From r@cust160.webbernet.net>: Good looking image. I like the use of color in the background and the fog. The Tower, though, is much too thin for its height. It was a ziggurat, not a zigar!